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Change Logs

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[v2.2.0] - 08 Aug 2024


  • Update - Implemented optimization in the App Configuration API calls to prevent unnecessary invocations

Admin Panel

  • Update - Migrate from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1 for Firebase push notifications.

[v2.1.0] - 15 July 2024


  • New - Added support for Multivendor functionality, allowing boarders, walkers, and trainers to manage their services and pricing.
  • New - Introduced new payment gateways, Cinet and Sadad.

[v2.0.0] - 13 June 2024


  • New - We now support multivendor functionality, allowing pet stores to register and sell their products on the platform.
  • New - Introduced new Firebase Notification.
  • Update - Existing users can now enable the shop feature from their profiles and start selling their products.
  • Update - Migrated to Flutter 3.22.x.
  • Update - Libraries have been updated for compatibility.

[v1.6.0] - 08 May 2024


  • Update - Migrate to Flutter 3.19.x
  • Update - Updated various libraries to their latest versions to leverage new features and optimizations.

Please do this configuration after Updating your Project - Firebase Option Configuration otherwise your social login won't work.

30 January 2024


  • Fix - To resolve the "Chat GPT function error: Error Code: 404 Not Found" Upgrade the nb_utils version to latest nb_utils: ^6.1.2