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Frequently Asked Questions.

Symlink() has been disabled for security reasons?

When you get an error while run php artisan storage:link,please follow the below steps :

Second way, just fire this command

ln -s /home/your_application/storage/app/public /home/your_application/public/storage

Migrate Database Issue?

If you are facing a problem migrating database using command the please follow the below steps.

Go to the main dir kivicare-laravel

then find kivicare-laravel.sql file and import to the database.

Forgot password Swift_Transport Exception?

If you are facing any swift transport type issue while sending mail,

then, please set the mail config in your .env file

please follow the below step.

  • MAIL_DRIVER=your mail driver
  • MAIL_HOST=your mail host
  • MAIL_PORT=your mail port
  • MAIL_USERNAME=your mail id
  • MAIL_PASSWORD=your mail password
  • MAIL_ENCRYPTION=your mail encryption
  • How to add a new language into Flutter app?

    Refer this doc here - Add a new language to Flutter App

    How to update colors for application and web/admin panel?

    Check this out for information- Update Colors