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Generate New JKS/Keystore

Method 1 - Using Terminal

  1. Run the following command in your terminal

       keytool -genkey -v -keystore android/<JKS FILE NAME>.jks -alias <ALIAS NAME> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
  • Example command:

      keytool -genkey -v -keystore android/example.jks -alias example -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000


  • JKS File Name: example
  • Alias Name: example

The command will generate a JKS file in your android directory. The validity of the keystore certificate is set to 10,000 days. If you don't add "-validity <NumberOfDays>", the default value will be 90 days.

Note: If you encounter an error like 'Command 'keytool' not found', you'll also receive a suggestion to install keytool. Follow the suggestion and execute the command to install 'keytool'.

After installing keytool, run the 'keytool' command again and complete the process again.

Create JSK Using Terminal

Method 2 - Using Android Studio

  1. Open your Android module. Wait for a while to complete the import process for the 'android' Gradle project.

  2. Open the build menu from the Menu bar and Select Generate Signed Bundle/APK. Choose APK and click Next.

    Generate Signed Bundle/APK

    Generate Signed Bundle/APK

  3. In the resulting dialog, for the Key store path field, choose Create New to open the New Key Store dialog.

    Generate Signed Bundle/APK

    When you click on Create New it will open a dialog to choose keystore file.

    • Choose the path where you want to store your keystore/jks file. In this example we're storing it at android directory of Project.

    • Just Add keystore filename in File name field.

    Generate Signed Bundle/APK

  4. Add Keystore Password, Key Alias , Alias Password. Add Details in Certificate section then press Ok.

    Generate Signed Bundle/APK


These Keystore File Path,Keystore Password, Key Alias , Alias Password, you've to set in file which will be in android directory of project. If it's not available then just right click on android directory → New → File and name it as ''. Then you can perform steps mentioned here