Docly Child


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Frequently Asked Questions.

How to change the color for the web application?

You have to manually change the color from the below file,


After changing the color you have to make the build locally and then upload the frontend.min.css.

How can i add new language in the web?

If you want to add new language follow this steps.

Admin panel -> Setting -> Click General setting tab -> In default language select which language you want to add -> Click on save button

After Go to Language setting tab -> Select file you want to translate -> Change values

We will provide frontend language option in the next update. Arabic language rtl is working in the admin panel.

How can i add new language in the app?

Follow below steps for add new language to your project:

Step 1 : Create new dart file under lib/locale/yourLanguageDartFile.dart (yourLanguageDartFile : name it with language code prefix eg: languageEn (lib/locale/language_en.dart)).

Step 2: Add this language to load() method under lib/locale/app_localizations.dart.

Step 3: Add languageName, languagecode , languageFullCode inside languageList under lib/common.dart.

symlink() has been disabled for security reasons?

When you get an error while run php artisan storage:link, please follow the below steps :

Second way, just fire this command

ln -s /home/your_application/storage/app/public /home/your_application/public/storage


Migrate Database issue?

If you are facing a problem migrating database using command the please follow the below steps.

Go to the main dir handyman-service

then find handyman_service.sql file and import to the database.


Forgot password Swift_TransportException ?

If you are facing any swift transport type issue while sending mail,

then, please set the mail config in your .env file

please follow the below step.

  • MAIL_DRIVER=your mail driver
  • MAIL_HOST=your mail host
  • MAIL_PORT=your mail port
  • MAIL_USERNAME=your mail id
  • MAIL_PASSWORD=your mail password
  • MAIL_ENCRYPTION=your mail encryption


How wallet system work?

The wallet system is for only providers and it works with only a commission-based system. The basic flow of the wallet system is, that the admin adds the wallet for the provider. if the user books the service of a particular provider and pays then the admin can provider decide commission amount to the provider form his/her wallet.

How the commission and subscription based system work?

This is the earning type for the provider.

Commission Based, As soon as you add services they will be visible on the service list.

Subscription Based, Every Provider will have to subscribe to any one plan available to buy. Now, the Customer can see only those Provider's services who have subscribed to any one plan. That is the subscription method.

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