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2023 Change Logs

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[v2.2.0] - 22 November 2023


  • New - Support Latest Flutter Version 3.16
  • New - Support for Android 14
  • Fix - The order list contains the orders from all the customers not the logged in customer

Admin Panel - v2.1.1

  • Fix - Quick Booking Total Amount Calculation
  • Fix - Calender View Issue

[v2.1.0] - 10 November 2023


  • Update - Booking List filter with Multiple status
  • Update - Order List filter with Multiple status
  • Fix - Rectified issues related to the accurate calculation of Booking prices.
  • Fix - Implemented UI enhancements.

Admin Panel

  • Fix - Bug fixing
  • Fix - Image Upload Issue Fixing

[v2.0.0] - 16 October 2023


  • New - Introduced the Product Module.
  • Update - Migrate to OneSignal 5.0.x
  • Update - Migrate to Flutter 3.13.x
  • Fix - Implemented UI enhancements.
  • Fix - Addressed and fixed various bugs for improved performance and stability.

Admin Panel

  • New - Product Module Added
  • New - Booking Invoice
  • Update - Booking Api
  • Fix - Api Bug Fixed
  • Fix - Database Value & Payment Issue In Bigger number
  • Fix - Bug Fixes
  • Fix - Branch with dynamic address

[v1.3.2] - 10 Aug 2023


  • Update - Redirect Booking Detail when on Notification click
  • Update - Code Optimization & UI Enhancements
  • Fix - All Categories was not showing.
  • Fix - The problem where Employee Details were not displaying when coming from the Branch Detail.

Admin Panel

  • New - Horizontal Menu
  • Fix - Bugs & Update Stubs
  • Fix - Role & Permission
  • Fix - Assign Staff to Branch

[v1.3.1] - 28 July 2023


  • New - One more Payment Gateway is arrived (FlutterWave)
  • New - Shimmer effect added in Review All Screen, Booking Screen
  • Update - Users can now easily identify whether a Salon is designed for Males, Females, or Unisex Services
  • Update - UI Enhancements
  • Fix - Reschedule Booking issue resolved
  • Fix - All Reviews not show

Admin Panel

  • Language Module DONE
  • Bug Fixed

[v1.3.0] - 24 July 2023


  • New - Paystack Payment Gateway
  • New - PayPal Payment Gateway
  • New - Force Update Feature
  • New - Time Slots in Quick Booking
  • New - Shimmer effect added in Remaining Screen
  • New - Users can now easily identify whether a Salon is designed for Males, Females, or Unisex Services.
  • Update - Libraries updated
  • Fix - Select Branch Screen showing branch issue resolved
  • Fix - Quick Book Appointment when go to next screen remove selected data
  • Fix - Branch Id wise all Review show issue solve

Admin Panel

  • New - Export Data (CSV, PDF, EXCEL)
  • New - Menu Builder With Dynamic Menu
  • New - Manager Login Branch Setting Page
  • New - VueSortable Javascript Plugins
  • New - DOMPDF Laravel Packages
  • Update - Code Style Update Using Pint
  • Fix - Translation
  • Fix - Bug Fixes

[v1.2.1] - 11 July 2023


  • New - Added Shimmer Effect
  • Update - Add Gender Option in SignUp and Edit Profile Screen
  • Fix - Handle case if token expired then redirect to SignIn Screen
  • Fix - Resolved Login issue for new registered users
  • Fix - Service image not display in Booking List and Booking Detail
  • Fix - Not showing profile image while loged in as a google login

Admin Panel

  • New - My Profile Page Added
  • Fix - Bug Fixing
  • Fix - Auth Api Fixes For Social Login

[v1.2.0] - 08 July 2023


  • New - Ability to Update the Date and Time of the Service from the Booking Detail while it is in Pending Status
  • Update - Enhanced Time Slot display to show options for Morning, Afternoon, Evening, and Night
  • Update - Show Included Tax in Quick Booking
  • Fix - Resolved Login issue for new registered users
  • Fix - Apple Login was not working properly
  • Fix - Corrected the 24-hour date and time format issue in Quick Book Appointment caused by Device Settings
  • Fix - Addressed the problem with Canceling Appointments
  • Fix - Resolved the issue where viewing All Reviews resulted in an error

Admin Panel

  • Fix - Bug fixes
  • Fix - Currency Issue Fixes
  • Fix - Slider Seeder Fixes
  • Fix - Login & Register API Fixes
  • Fix - Customer & Employee Store API Fixes
  • Fix - Password Save Issue fixes
  • Fix - UI Fixes
  • Fix - Booking Save issue fixes & commission based booking fixes
  • Fix - Intigration Mail enable & disable Remove

[v1.1.0] - 01 July 2023


  • Update - Enhanced the functionality to allow users to select multiple services for both the selected Category and Sub Category
  • Fix - Razorpay issue in Release Mode
  • Fix - Resolved the Timeslot issue
  • Fix - Change Password Option was not hidden when a user logged in with the social login feature
  • Fix - Resolved the Included Tax was not displayed with the selected service price
  • Fix - View All Nearby Branches was not being displayed
  • Fix - UI for the Arabic Language

Admin Panel

  • New - New Feature Assign Staff From Branch List
  • New - New Feature Assign Staff From Service List
  • New - SMTP Varify Functionality
  • New - Booking Seeder
  • New - Seeder with images
  • New - Password Field In Customer Form
  • Update - Module-Based Permission & Permission Name
  • Update - Quick Booking WIth Summery & Print
  • Fix - Translation Text
  • Fix - Datatable Issue
  • Fix - All Data Set as order by desc
  • Fix - Currency In All Module
  • Fix - Branch Delete Issue (When Branch Delete Remove all data connected branch data)
  • Fix - Dark Mode Switch - Remove Dropdown
  • Fix - Reset Form on modal & off-canvas close

[v1.0.1] - 22 June 2023


  • Fix - Fixed an issue with changing passwords
  • Fix - Resolved the problem with the forgot password flow
  • Fix - Adjusted the time slot display to show upcoming slots only, preventing the selection of past time slots
  • Fix - Enhanced the quick booking flow to allow appointments to be made without selecting a staff member
  • Fix - Improved the payment flow when paying from the booking detail page

Admin Panel

  • New - Adding Default Language For New Login
  • New - Dark Mode & Light Mode Session Based
  • New - Quick Booking Setting
  • New - DataTable Limits
  • Fix - Role Based System
  • Fix - Customisation Setting Fixed
  • Fix - Validations Fixes
  • Fix - Dummy Data Seeder Update
  • Fix - Fixing Login Forget Password
  • Fix - Fixing API

[v1.0.0] - 20 June 2023

  • New - Initial Release