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User Guide

📄️ Bookings

The Bookings page provides a comprehensive overview of all the scheduled appointments and bookings for your salon. It serves as a central hub for managing and organizing your clients' appointments, ensuring efficient scheduling and smooth operation. From this page, you can view upcoming appointments, check availability, modify bookings, and handle any necessary adjustments or cancellations. With the Bookings page, you can easily stay on top of your salon's schedule, deliver exceptional customer service, and maintain a well-structured appointment system.

📄️ Staffs

The Staffs page offers a comprehensive view of your salon's staff members. It provides important details such as staff names, email addresses, roles, verification status, and active/inactive status. This centralized hub allows you to efficiently manage and organize your staff team. You can easily add new staff members, search for specific staff member, update existing staff details, assign roles, and modify their status. The Staffs page empowers you to effectively oversee your salon workforce, ensuring seamless operations by having all staff-related information conveniently accessible in one place.