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Framework not found & Linker command failed with exit code 1

If you encounter error given below

  • framework not found flutter
  • Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Before start please check your iOS deployment target in Xcode

Step -> run app in your PC then , if app runing properly then check your flutter version in your pc and use that flutter version in Mac Pc and try again

Note-> In Mac flutter version in terminal and in Android studio should be same.

if still issue is not fixed then move to the next step

Step -> run this command in terminal

flutter clean; rm -rf Runner.xcworkspace; rm Podfile.lock; flutter pub get; pod install

If issue still persist then move to the next step

Step -> download your respected flutter version and replace the flutter folder with old flutter version and Try again. Example -> if your project is runing perfect in flutter version -> 3.16.0 and not working in Mac then download flutter SDK -> 3.16.3 form chrome and extract that folder . then replace that folder with old flutter folder located in finder -> iqonicdesign-> flutter_sdks and replace the old flutter folder v- 3.10.3 with new flutter folder. After replacing that folder rename the flutter folder flutter_3_10_3. After that restart the process again