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Change Logs

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[v1.2.1] - 31 Aug 2024


  • New - Added SOAP module to the Clinic Admin App.
  • New - Receptionists can now manage patient appointments and clinic services.
  • Update - Migrated from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1 for Firebase push notifications.
  • Update - Upgraded Stripe library to the latest version.
  • Update - Notification bell icon now displays the unread count.
  • Update - Postal code input fields now support alphanumeric characters.
  • Update - Added search functionality for country, state, and city selection.
  • Fix - Resolved patient search issue in the appointment filter.
  • Fix - UI enhancements and performance optimizations.

Admin Panel

  • Fix - Changed text from lowercase to uppercase for consistency in [specific section/feature].
  • Fix - Corrected spelling mistakes in [specific section/feature]
  • Fix - Resolved issue where clicking the button did not open the off-canvas menu.
  • Fix - Fixed issue with advanced search feature to correctly handle keyword searches for country, city, and state.
  • Fix - Resolved the UTC time zone issue affecting the calendar display on the doctor dashboard.
  • Fix - Changed the status text from "Active" to "Open" in the encounter details and updated the table display accordingly.
  • Fix - Corrected the date-wise total appointment count, which was previously showing incorrect data. Counts are now accurate.
  • Fix - Fixed the issue where the price filter was not working. The filter now operates correctly.
  • Fix - Fixed the issue where the off-canvas menu did not close after book a appointment. The menu now closes properly.
  • Fix - Updated the string format to be alphanumeric instead of numeric. The system now correctly handles alphanumeric strings.
  • Fix - Resolved the pagination issue where it was not working in some module tables.
  • Fix - Resolved the issue where the default currency was not set correctly. The default currency is now properly applied.
  • Fix - Corrected the issue where some seeder data was not set properly.
  • Fix - Resolved the issue where off-canvas data was not resetting properly upon opening and closing.
  • Fix - Resolved the issue where editing time, state, city, and county data was not displaying correctly in the clinic admin.
  • Fix - Resolved the issue where doctors were not displaying correctly for specific clinics in the appointment system.
  • Fix - Resolved the issue where assigned times for doctors were not displaying correctly.
  • Fix - Corrected the issue where encounter details were not set properly on the invoice.
  • Fix - Resolved the issue with profile updates, ensuring that changes are applied correctly and old profiles are handled properly.
  • Fix - Resolved the issue where some details in the encounter were not updating automatically. All relevant details now refresh correctly.
  • Fix - Corrected the issue where the doctor session count was showing incorrect values. The session count now displays accurately.
  • Fix - Resolved the issue where newly added specializations were not appearing in the clinic. Specializations now display correctly.
  • Fix - Resolved the issue where the validation message did not display correctly after changing the password. Messages now appear as intended.
  • Fix - Resolved the issue where the currency symbol was not displaying correctly on invoices. The symbol now appears as intended.
  • Fix - Corrected validation issues where validation was not working properly in some areas. All validation checks now function as expected.

We've successfully migrated Firebase Messaging from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1. Please follow the configuration steps outlined in the documentation here to enable Firebase notifications on both Android and iOS apps.

Note: After updating the backend code, run the following command. This step is mandatory:

  • php artisan migrate

[v1.2.0] - 14 July 2024

Admin Panel

  • New - Receptionists can now manage patients, patient appointments, clinic doctors, and clinic services.

[v1.1.0] - 11 July 2024


  • New - Multi-language support (Hindi, Arabic, German, French).
  • New - Dark Theme support.
  • New - Additional payment integrations for secure transactions with PayPal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Airtel Money, Midtrans, Sadad, and CinetPay.
  • Fix - Resolved issue with Stripe not working on Android.

Admin Panel

  • New - Admin can set payment gateway keys from the Admin Panel settings.
  • Fix - Resolved issue where a doctor gets removed when a receptionist edits the doctor's details.

[v1.0.0] - 03 July 2024

  • Initial release