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How to build App and Run

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Build and Run Your Application

Follow these steps to set up and run your application:

  1. Download the Project:

    • Download the project from CodeCanyon and unzip it.
  2. Locate the Mobile Apps Folder:

    • After unzipping the file, locate the mobile apps folder. Inside, you'll find two projects.
  3. Choose Project to Open:

    • Optionally, you can copy both projects to a new location. For this guide, we'll open the "user app" project.
    • Open Android Studio and click on the "Open" button.
  4. Open Project in Android Studio:

    • Locate the project you want to work with and open it.
  5. Enable Dart Support:

    • First, enable Dart support in the settings or by opening the main.dart file.
    • Look for the Enable Dart option in the right corner and click on it to enable Dart.
  6. Get Dependencies:

    • After enabling Dart support, the Get Dependencies option will appear.
    • Click on it to fetch the project dependencies. Any existing errors should disappear automatically after this step.

    If errors persist, try one of the following two steps:

    • Restart Android Studio.
    • Follow these steps:
      • Select Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Clean
      • Select Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Pub Get
      • Select Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Upgrade
      • Select File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart
  7. Connect Device or Launch Emulator:

    • Connect your device to the computer or launch the emulator.
    • Run the project after connecting the device and wait for it to deploy on the device.