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Sadad Payment

Estimated reading: 1 minutes

Signup for Sadad Merchant Account

Obtain API Keys

  1. Login to Sadad Payment Merchant Account

    Sadad Payment Login

  2. Open Sadad Merchant Dashboard

  3. You will see "API" option in left side menu. From there Merchant can Create the secret key.

    Sadad API - Generate Key

  4. Generate Keys and Copy the generated keys.

Understanding account credentials

Account credentials are available in your API section for production environment.

These credentials consist of -

MID (Merchant ID/SadadId) - This is a unique identifier provided to every merchant by SADAD. MID is part of your account credentials and MID is available in Dashboard. "SadadId" is your MID.

Secret Key - This is a unique secret key used for secure encryption of every request. This needs to be kept on server side and should not be shared with anyone. Secret key is available in API section.

Add Generated Keys into config.dart

Now you've successfully generated keys please update values into "config.dart".

  • Navigate to lib → config.dart.
  • Add values for constants below.
/// SadadPay
const sadad_id = '';
const sadad_secret_key = '';
const sadad_domain = '';

Congratulations! Your Sadad Payment configuration is done.

Test Sadad Payment

To make transactions in test mode you need to enable test mode from your merchant panel. To do that login to the merchant panel and go to API from left menu. There’s a switch button as shown in image below.

Test Sadad Payment

Test Credit Cards

Card typeCard numberCVCExpiry
Mastercard5123 4500 0000 0008AnyAny
Mastercard5555 5555 5500 0018AnyAny
Visa4440 0000 0990 0010AnyAny
Visa4440 0000 4220 0014AnyAny

Test Debit Cards

  • Card number: 4215 3755 0088 3243
  • Card Expiry: 06/22
  • OTP: Any
  • PIN: Any