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Build and Run Your Application

Follow these steps to set up and run your application:

  1. Download the Project:

    • Download the project from CodeCanyon and unzip it.
  2. Locate the Mobile Apps Folder:

    • After unzipping the file, locate the mobile apps folder. Inside, you'll find two projects named "provider-handyman app" and "user app" respectively.
  3. Choose Project to Open:

    • Optionally, you can copy both projects to a new location. For this guide, we'll open the "user app" project.
    • Open Android Studio and click on the "Open" button.
  4. Open Project in Android Studio:

    • Locate the project you want to work with and open it.
  5. Enable Dart Support:

    • First, enable Dart support in the settings or by opening the main.dart file.
    • Look for the Enable Dart option in the right corner and click on it to enable Dart.
  6. Get Dependencies:

    • After enabling Dart support, the Get Dependencies option will appear.
    • Click on it to fetch the project dependencies. Any existing errors should disappear automatically after this step.

    If errors persist, try one of the following two steps:

    • Restart Android Studio.
    • Follow these steps:
      • Select Tools → Flutter → Flutter Clean
      • Select Tools → Flutter → Flutter Pub Get
      • Select Tools → Flutter → Flutter Upgrade
      • Select File → Invalidate Caches / Restart
  7. Connect Device or Launch Emulator:

    • Connect your device to the computer or launch the emulator.
    • Run the project after connecting the device and wait for it to deploy on the device.

Youtube Video for build and Run App

How to build Handyman Admin app in Android Studio on Windows, Linux -

How to build Handyman Admin app in Android Studio on macOS -