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AirtelMoney Payment

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Welcome to AirtelMoney Payment! In this guide, you will learn how to sign up for a Airtel account and
obtain API keys necessary for integrating AirtelMoney Payment into your website or application.

If you have an existing Airtel Developer account Login,to the account.

Otherwise, Sign up and create a new developer account.

Obtain API Keys

  1. Open your Developer Dashboard

    Airtel Money - Developer Dashboard

  2. Click on My Application and Click on Register Application

    Airtel Money - Register Application

    Airtel Money - Register Application

  3. When you complete the registration process and open you Application by clicking on your Application you'll see Your Application Dashboard.

    Airtel Money - Register Application

    Airtel Money - Application Dashboard

  4. Choose Account and Collection-API from Add Products in the Application section

    • Choose countries you want your payment to be supported
    • When you go to Product Status you'll see Pending status.
    • You've to contact Airtel Support for Approval. Write Appropriate message and get approval and complete further communication.
  5. You'll see mode of your Application. If you want live keys then you can complete the process by clicking on Go Live

    Airtel Money - Key Management

    Otherwise Click on Visit but written in Get You Keys Section or Navigate to Key Management. Look at Screenshot below

    Airtel Money - Key Management

    After all Approval process you'll get the keys.

Add Generated Keys To Admin Panel

Now you've successfully generated keys please navigate to Admin Panel and follow the steps mentioned below

  • Navigate to Settings → Payment Method

  • Enable the switch for AirtelMoney Payment.

  • Paste Client Secret under the Secret Key field and Client Id under the Client Id fields.

  • Submit the changes.

    Pawlly - Airtel Money Payment Setting


Congratulations! Your AirtelMoney Payment configuration is done.

Remove AirtelMoney Payment

  • Navigate to Settings → Payment Configuration
  • Disable the switch for AirtelMoney Payment.
  • Remove related code from project directory if you don't want it in future again.