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The Tax page allows you to manage tax settings and rules for your salon. Customize tax rates, apply rules, and ensure accurate taxation for your services. Simplify tax management and maintain compliance effortlessly with the Tax page.


  • Easily perform bulk actions on tax records by selecting the desired fields and choosing an action from the dropdown menu. Click "Apply" to execute the action on all selected records. You can conveniently update the status or delete the selected tax values. tax_bulk_action

  • Effortlessly filter the records based on their active/inactive status or search by name, tax type (percent or fixed), or value. This allows you to quickly find and manage the specific tax records you need. tax_filter

  • To change the status of the tax whether it is active or inactive, toggle .

  • To update tax detail, click on the (Edit) for the specific tax you wish to modify. This enables you to make changes and update the tax details as needed.

  • To remove a tax from your records, click on (Delete). This action will remove the tax from your system.

Add New Tax

To add a new tax, click on the "Create tax" button. This convenient feature allows you to effortlessly add new taxs to your tax database and use it for future billing create_tax

Enter the required details for adding a new tax.


  • Specify the title of the tax, such as CGST or SGST.

  • Enter the value for the tax.

  • Choose the tax type from the dropdown menu, selecting either percentage tax or fixed tax.

  • You have the option to set the tax status as either active or inactive, which can be adjusted as per your requirement at a later time.

  • Once you have entered the necessary details, simply click "Save" to create the new tax, and it will be readily available for use in your salon.

Update Existing Tax


Easily update the tax details by editing the specific fields you want to modify. This enables you to make necessary changes and maintain accurate information for efficient tax management.