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The Bookings page provides a comprehensive overview of all the scheduled appointments and bookings for your salon. It serves as a central hub for managing and organizing your clients' appointments, ensuring efficient scheduling and smooth operation. From this page, you can view upcoming appointments, check availability, modify bookings, and handle any necessary adjustments or cancellations. With the Bookings page, you can easily stay on top of your salon's schedule, deliver exceptional customer service, and maintain a well-structured appointment system.


  • Easily perform bulk actions on booking records by selecting the desired fields and choosing an action from the dropdown menu. Click "Apply" to execute the action on all selected records. You can conveniently update the status or delete the selected bookings values. booking_bulk_action

  • You have the option to filter the bookings based on their status or search for specific records by customer name, staff name, or status. This allows for easy navigation and retrieval of the desired information. booking_filter

  • By clicking on the "Advanced Filter" button, you can access a custom filter form that allows you to apply more specific filtering criteria. This feature enables you to refine your search and view bookings based on customized parameters such as specific dates, staff members, or services. The offcanvas form provides a user-friendly interface for creating personalized filters, enhancing your ability to find and manage bookings according to your specific needs. advanced_filter

Edit Bookings

  • Easily update the status of a booking by selecting the desired option from the dropdown menu. With just a click, you can efficiently manage and track the status of each booking according to your preferences.


  • In addition, you have the option to delete a booking directly from this page. By clicking on (Delete) button, you can remove a booking from the system, allowing for easy management and organization of your bookings